Frequently Asked Questions
How It Works
Our 100 Men group began in July of 2017, and in ten weeks grew to 145+ members. Membership is currently not capped. Potential members were captivated by the idea of helping smaller charities close to home, and the simplicity of the 100 Men concept - leveraging $100 individual contributions into $10,000 or more. There are three, one-hour meetings a year at which a deserving, non-profit receives $10,000+. 100 Men Who Give A Damn - Central Ohio has no bank account, treasurer, president, or any of the other typical overhead trappings. 100% of every dollar collected goes directly to a local charity. There is no national organization, however, there are over 400 similar organizations around North America and Europe (100 Men..., 100 Women..., 100 Kids...) We are happy to assist anyone who would like to start a group in their area.
Getting Close to the Charity
Members get up close and personal with the organizations to which they contribute, and they watch the effects of their donations. The organization that receives a donation, returns to the next meeting to explain how the money is being used and its effect. We have already been amazed at the wonderful work being done in our area by many charitable organizations, most of which were unknown to us prior to 100 Men Who Give A Damn.
How many people can be in the group?
ANS: We targeted for 100+, but growth was rapid. At this point, we decided to cap membership at 150 until we had more experience with the organization. There are a few spots left.
How are the charities selected?
ANS: Members nominate the charities. In each of the three meetings, every member of the 100-Men can nominate one charity using an on-line nomination form. We use another on-line voting program for the entire membership, to vote for his 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. The three with the highest number of points will have the opportunity to make a five-minute presentation at the next meeting, and make their case for the donation.
Is the donation tax deductible?
ANS: If the organization receiving the money is a 501(c)3, then the donations are tax deductible. Some selected charities may not be so designated, but the great majority are. The information sent to members when voting includes the 501(c)3 status as well as the organization's registration status with the Attorney General.
What if I can’t attend a meeting?
ANS: Members have committed to donating at each of the three meetings, so they can send their blank check with another member. That member will have their proxy to vote for one of the three presenting charities as well as authorization to fill in the name of the selected charity on the blank check.
What happens after a charity is awarded the money?
ANS: The charity will return at the next meeting to tell us how the money was used, and the difference it made. We will also have a series of stories on the website for all to see.
Can women join the organization?
ANS: Throughout North America, there are over 400, 100 Men... 100 Women... and even 100 Kids.....organizations. Each men's and women's group is exclusive to either men or women.